VBS Sign-Up 2022

**Online signups are now closed. Children are welcome to attend, but please sign up in person when you arrive.**

VBS is for k-5th grade students.
Children must be turning 5 by August to sign up. Children up to 5th grade (in the fall) can participate.

We need volunteers to serve as crew leaders! We will offer childcare for children too young to participate in VBS for volunteers ONLY!

Any questions? Contact Amy at amy@trinityefca.com.
**Online signups are now closed. Children are welcome to attend, but please sign up in person when you arrive.**

Scholarships are available to help cover costs as needed.


**Online signups are now closed. Children are welcome to attend, but please sign up in person when you arrive.**

VBS is for k-5th grade students.
Children must be turning 5 by August to sign up. Children up to 5th grade (in the fall) can participate.

We need volunteers to serve as crew leaders! We will offer childcare for children too young to participate in VBS for volunteers ONLY!

Any questions? Contact Amy at amy@trinityefca.com.